Picture of Sarah Scrimshire

Sarah Scrimshire

Mocktails vs. Cocktails and why you should care! Plus 5 Mocktails you can try TODAY!

Table of Contents

Mocktails are growing bigger and bigger as more people are becoming concerned with their health and attempts to cut back on their alcohol consumption. So, if you’re interested in exploring this world, then keep on reading!


What is a Mocktail?

A mocktail is a non-alcoholic beverage that is designed to resemble and mimic the flavors and presentation of cocktails. The term “mocktail” is a combination of the words “mock” (meaning imitation or counterfeit) and “cocktail.” They are typically made using a variety of fruit juices, syrups, and other non-alcoholic ingredients to create a flavorful and visually appealing drink.

Mocktails are often served at social gatherings, parties, or events where some people may prefer not to consume alcohol. They offer a refreshing and enjoyable alternative to alcoholic cocktails while still providing a similar experience in terms of taste and presentation. These can be garnished with fruit slices, herbs, or other decorative elements to enhance their appearance.

Types of Mocktails

Common examples of mocktails include the Virgin Mojito (lime, mint, soda water, and sugar) and a Shirley Temple (ginger ale, grenadine, and a maraschino cherry). However, there is a wide range of mocktail recipes available, and mixologists often create unique and innovative combinations to cater to different tastes and preferences. To smoke each of these, find a smoke dust that pairs well( see our blog here to pair! Smoke Dusts) Here are some popular types of mocktails!

  1. Virgin Mojito: A refreshing mix of 2oz lime juice, 10 mint leaves, sugar, soda water, and crushed ice. Muddle lime juice, mint, and sugar together, smoke, and add sparkling water!
  2. Pina Colada Mocktail: A tropical blend of pineapple juice, coconut cream or milk, and crushed ice. (1 cup pineapple chunks, 1/2 cup pineapple juice, 1/2 cup coconut cream- blend with ice and smoke!)
  3. Watermelon Mocktail: A refreshing choice mocktail made with 4 oz watermelon juice, 1.5 oz lime juice, 1 oz sugar syrup, and a hint of mint (5 mint leaves muddled) Make regular simple syrup, muddle mint leaves in the bottom of a shaker, add all ingredients to the shaker with ice. Shake, strain, and smoke!
  4. Blueberry Lemonade: A sweet and tangy option featuring 1/5oz blueberry syrup (1 cup sugar, 1 cup water, 1 cup blueberries, stir in pot over medium-high heat for 10 minutes. Let cool and transfer), 1.5 oz lemon juice, and sparkling water. Add all to a cocktail shaker except for soda water and shake with ice. Strain, smoke, add soda water!
  5. Virgin Mary: A non-alcoholic version of the Bloody Mary, made with 6 tomato juice, a dash of Worcestershire sauce, a dash of Tabasco sauce, 1 oz lemon juice, and spices. Amounts are up to your taste buds!

These are just a few examples, and there are many more mocktail recipes available. Feel free to get creative and experiment with different ingredients and flavors to create your own unique concoctions.

Benefits of Mocktails

Mocktails offer several benefits, especially for individuals who choose not to consume alcohol or those who prefer to limit their alcohol intake. Here are some benefits of enjoying these beverages:

  1. Non-alcoholic option: Mocktails provide a flavorful and enjoyable alternative to alcoholic beverages. They allow individuals to participate in social events and enjoy the experience of having a well-crafted and visually appealing drink without the effects of alcohol.
  2. Inclusive gatherings: Serving them at parties or events ensures that everyone, including non-drinkers, designated drivers, and individuals who do not consume alcohol for personal, health, or religious reasons, can partake in the celebration. These beverages create an inclusive environment where everyone can feel comfortable and catered to.
  3. Refreshing and hydrating: Many are made with fruit juices, herbs, and other non-alcoholic ingredients that are naturally hydrating and refreshing. They can quench your thirst and provide a pleasant cooling effect, especially during warm weather or when engaging in physical activities.
  4. Creative flavors and combinations: Mixologists and bartenders experiment with different fruit juices, syrups, herbs, spices, and other ingredients to create unique and delicious mocktails. This allows individuals to explore new taste experiences and enjoy the diverse range of flavors available.
  5. Health-conscious choices: Mocktails can be made with fresh and nutritious ingredients. By using real fruit juices, herbal infusions, and natural sweeteners, mocktails can provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They can be a healthier alternative to sugary sodas or highly alcoholic cocktails.
  6. Designated driver option: Provides a safe and enjoyable alternative for designated drivers or individuals responsible for transportation. By opting for mocktails, these individuals can still enjoy a tasty and visually appealing drink without compromising their ability to drive safely.
  7. Versatility and creativity: Offers endless opportunities for creativity and personalization. You can customize to suit your taste preferences, dietary restrictions, or special occasions. Whether you prefer a tropical, fruity, or herb-infused, you can tailor the ingredients to create a drink that suits your needs and preferences.

Overall, mocktails provide a range of benefits, from inclusivity and hydration to the opportunity for creativity and customization. They offer a delightful drinking experience without the presence of alcohol, making them a popular choice for many individuals.

Mocktail Bars Near YOU

Over the last few years, non-alcoholic bars have been popping up left and right! Bars that focus on communication, good times, and safe partying! I found the perfect list of non-alcoholic bars across the country, so if this is something you are interested in, take a look at the following link and see what could be near you! Mocktail Bars.

How to Perfect a Mocktail!

To make a mocktail different from a cocktail, you will need a few key elements and considerations:

  1. Non-alcoholic bases: Choose non-alcoholic bases as substitutes for the alcoholic spirits typically used in cocktails. This can include soda water, sparkling water, tonic water, fruit juices (such as orange, cranberry, pineapple, or grapefruit), herbal infusions, or specialty non-alcoholic spirits.
  2. Flavorful mixers: Focus on using flavorful mixers to create complexity and depth in the mocktail. This can include fruit purees, syrups (such as simple syrup, flavored syrups, or grenadine), bitters (non-alcoholic versions are available), or infused waters.
  3. Aromatic elements: Incorporate herbs, spices, or other aromatic ingredients to enhance the flavor profile of the mocktail. This can include muddled herbs like mint, basil, or rosemary, or spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger. These elements can add depth and complexity to the mocktail’s taste.
  4. Fresh ingredients: Opt for fresh ingredients whenever possible, such as freshly squeezed fruit juices or freshly muddled herbs. Fresh ingredients can contribute vibrant flavors and enhance the overall quality of the mocktail.
  5. Garnishes: Pay attention to garnishes as they add visual appeal and a finishing touch to the mocktail. Consider using fruit slices, herbs, edible flowers, citrus twists, or decorative straws to elevate the presentation and make the mocktail visually appealing.
  6. Balance of flavors: Strive for a well-balanced mocktail by adjusting the levels of sweetness, acidity, and other flavors. Taste as you go and make adjustments with additional mixers, sweeteners, or acids (such as citrus juices) to achieve the desired flavor profile.
  7. Glassware and presentation: Consider using appropriate glassware to serve the mocktail. Tall glasses, martini glasses, or specialty glassware can add to the visual appeal and enhance the drinking experience. Take care with presentation, using techniques like layering or rimming glasses with sugar or salt to add extra flair.

Remember, the beauty of mocktails lies in their versatility and ability to cater to individual preferences. Feel free to experiment with different ingredients, ratios, and techniques to create your own unique creations.

A Smoked Mocktail Just for You!

For smoking non-alcoholic cocktails, I certainly suggest using any of our herbs and spices line! These flavors will help shine through the entire cocktail and you’ll taste the notes of the smoke dust and the flavors of the cocktails.

Smoked Honeycrisp Mocktail

Add your spirit of choice if you would like! Vodka pairs well. 🙂
Prep Time5 minutes
Keyword: apple, mocktail
Servings: 1


  • Cocktail Shaker
  • Smokeshow Cocktail Smoker
  • Butane Torch



  • 3 oz Apple Cider
  • 1/2 oz Maple Syrup
  • Ginger Beer amount varies based on glass

Garnish & Smoke

  • 1 slice orange
  • 1 slice apple
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 1 pinch Rosemary Smoke Dust



  • In a cocktail shaker, combine the following and shake with ice.
    3 oz Apple Cider, 1/2 oz Maple Syrup


  • Pour into glass over ice and smoke.
    1 pinch Rosemary Smoke Dust

Garnish & Finish

  • Remove smoker and add fruit. Top with ginger beer!
    1 slice orange, 1 slice apple, 1 sprig rosemary, Ginger Beer

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